
ACAP Summative Video for Parents
Please follow the link for a helpful video about the ACAP Summative.

2023-2024 Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Mrs. Van Kedra Wilson our 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year!

October Student of the Month
Congratulations to our October Student of the Month: Amondi King

Numeracy November

September Student of the Month
Congratulations to our September Student of the Month: Kayden Ruffin

ACIP - Strategies

Fall Break Oct. 9-10, 2023 No School for students

ACIP/Política de participación de los padres
Diagnóstico escolar Thompson Título I para ACIP Diagnóstico de Título I para toda la escuela para ACIP...

ACIP/Parent Engagement Policy
Thompson Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic for ACIP Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic for ACIP The following...

2023-2024 Yearbook Sale

Title I Parent Compacts
TES FY23-24 Title I Compact English   TES Spanish Title I Compact 23-24 Spanish

Title 1 Meeting and Open House August 31, 2023